Who We Are
People are exhausted from working hard to create an identity for themselves. The gospel story offers the liberating reality that through Jesus our identity can be given, not earned. We strive to view ourselves through the lens of these four Gospel Identities: Family, Learners, Missionaries, Servants.
We are a Family. God, the perfect Father, has adopted us as His children. Rather than a random collection of individuals, we live in committed relationships as brothers and sisters. We arrange our lives to maximize the opportunity to be a part of each others’ lives. We gather regularly to eat, celebrate, and share life.
We are Missionaries. Jesus sent His Spirit to enable His Church to be a conduit of blessing to the world. We actively engage and bless our communities with the good news that our world belongs to God.
We are Servants. Jesus not only rules supremely over all the earth, but he intentionally disadvantaged himself for the sake of others. Because Jesus was willing to serve us to the point of death, we are committed to serving each other and our cities. We humbly and sacrificially serve by blessing people in word, deed and gifts.
We are Learners. We don’t have it all together, rather, we are called into a lifelong journey of humbly learning how to follow Jesus. To do this, we dedicate ourselves to understanding our story and our culture’s story through the lens of the biblical story.